Availability: Pre-Order
Price: 720.00€

[embed width="500" height="400"]http://youtu.be/CqOJ1wCiBvg[/embed]
- Extruded aluminum square 27.5 mm wide;
- Linear ball recycling ground bars 8 and 10 mm
Cart X / Y:
- Basic Plan 3mm perforated aluminum suitable for mass reduction;
- The upper floors in aluminum, from 2 mm suitably perforated to reduce the mass
Support and connection of polyoxymethylene, processed by CNC
Technology: FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) for PLA and ABS
Hot extrusion with nozzle of 0.5 mm, NTC 100K and steppers
Movement: 3 NEMA 17 stepper motors on the X / Y (printing plate) and Z (arm extruder)
Controller: Sanguinololu 1.3a or compatible
Power supply: 12V 3A max
FTDI USB 2.0 to Serial, Arduino compatible
Dimensions print: 20 x 20 x 20 cm
Medium size printing plate: 21.5 x 21.5 cm
Typical printing speed 120 mm / sec
Maximum print speed: 150 to 300 mm / sec
(depending on the object to be printed)
Nominal resolution:
- X and Y: 0.015 mm
- Z: 0.781 microns
- Width 60 cm
- Depth: 43 cm
- Height: 59 cm
- Weight: 8.7 kg
including power supply
Reference : open-electronics.org
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